Donate to St Mary's Development Fund

Keeping your churches Open and Alive!


St Mary’s has been part of the community for weddings, baptisms, funerals, and other family occasions for over 800 years. We recognise that in order to keep our wonderful building at the heart of our community the building needs to change and be more accessible.


We have started a development programme to provide facilities for our church, including a toilet, kitchenette, social space and improved heating.  We need to raise £80,000 to achieve our plans.  The lighting scheme was installed at the end of last year, and has greatly enhanced the beauty of our Grade 2* listed building, plus reduces our energy cost!


If you would like to make a donation towards the

Development Project you can do so by bank transfer

using the following: info: 

PCC of Chidham 

Sort Code: 60-05-24  Acct No:  96179236

(Please use reference ‘Development’).

If you are able to Gift Aid your donation that would mean your donation would be worth an extra 25%!

You can also donate using the following QR code which will take you to 'Give a Little' who will collect your donation for us.

Or you can click on the image below to donate online.  Again this will take you to a page operated by 'Give a Little' who will collect your donation on our behalf.


 If you have any questions in relation to the Development Project, please speak to the Churchwardens

information about our Development Project—do take a look at our plans and vision.


Thank You!


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